Do you get tired of thinking of tags for your huge collection of photographs that you have uploaded on Flickr? Well if you do, Emotiv has the perfect solution for you. Emotiv’s EPOC brain-reading headset combined with the EmoLens app can detect four separate emotions, and with these emotions the speed of the Flickr slideshow will be affected, and depending on how you feel, the photographs will be tagged accordingly. When the image no longer makes you feel that emotion, the app will move on to the next picture. I.e. you see a picture that makes you happy; it gets tagged as happy and will stay on screen as long as you feel happy. Once you stop feeling happy, the slideshow will display the next image for you to repeat the process. If you don’t want to navigate with your emotions, you can also use different concentration states, blinks and shakes of the head to control the navigation. If you’re interested in purchasing the Emotiv EPOC ($300) head here, and for the EmoLens app ($40) head here. Hit the break to watch a video of it in action:
Filed in Apps, Brainwave, Eeg, EEG Headset, Flickr, Mind Control and Tag.
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