Earlier this month, Anonymous revealed they had hacked a number of North Korea’s social networks as part of their “Operation Free Korea” campaign. It looks as though the organization isn’t stopping there as they have yet again launched an attack on a number of North Korean websites, resulting in complete control over the websites.
Anonymous is claiming responsibility for hacking its way into North Korean’s news and information site Uriminzokkiri.com, which has since been taken down and is completely offline as of this writing. Anonymous reveals they were the ones behind this attack as they tweeted on Uriminzokkiri’s Twitter account “more of North Korean websites are in our hand. They will be brought down.”
Uriminzokkiri wasn’t the only North Korean-owned website to suffer from Anonymous’ attacks as minjok.com, jajusasang.com, and paekdu-hanna.com all at one point were under the control of the group. Minjok and paekdu-hanna are still down, although jajusasang seems to be running back to its normal capacity as of this writing.
Filed in Anonymous, Hacking and North Korea.
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