
Summer is nearly behind us here in the northern hemisphere on this planet we call earth, which means we’ll soon be using our air conditioners for one last time prior to switching to heaters in order to survive the blistering cold we’ll soon be experiencing. After seeing Mitsubishi’s upcoming air conditioner, we can’t wait for summer to make its triumphant return.

Mitsubishi’s new Z Series Kirigamine air conditioners helps those of us who enjoy having a constant breeze on us at all times as it features an infrared camera that is capable of detecting the warmest parts of your body, to then target its wonderfully cooling air onto those regions. The Z Series Kirigamine is capable of this due to its venting system, which features precision-controlled flaps capable of producing 34.3 billion different airflow patterns within a room. If you happen to actually have guests over your home, the infrared camera is able to determine who is already at a comfortable temperature, to then focus its cooling air in the direction of your sweaty guests.

Mitsubishi’s Z Series Kirigamine air conditioner is expected to be priced at $3,500, which is quite the hefty price when you can easily buy a “dumb” air conditioner for thousands of dollars less, but if you want your air conditioner to be able to cool you intelligently, then you might want to start saving up for when it’s available in November.

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