Starting today all those who pre-registered for the new internet TV service called Sling TV can start using the service once their invites roll in. Sling will allow them to test it out for a week absolutely free before they have to pay the $20 per month subscription fee. The internet TV service can be accessed through a variety of devices, Xbox One is the only console that supports it, but unfortunately the Sling TV app for Xbox One isn’t quite ready yet.
Sling TV was announced at the International Consumer Electronics Show 2015 earlier this month. The $20 per month subscription offers access to 12 base channels and $5 packages that bring additional channels. Since its live TV playing over the internet subscribers do have to put up with advertisements.
Even though it has been announced from the get go that Xbox One supports this service the app isn’t here in time. A Microsoft spokeswoman tells Neowin that the company is looking forward to bring Sling TV to Xbox One “soon.” A representative for Sling TV had no details to share at this time regarding the Xbox One app.
Throughout this week pre-registered users will take Sling TV for a spin. Signups for the public will be opened early next month. Hopefully the Xbox One app will be ready by then.
Filed in Entertainment, Sling TV and Xbox One.
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