pandora_main_610x336It is no secret that in the music streaming industry, many are viewing Apple Music as a potential disruptor and it is not surprising why. Given Apple’s success in the music industry with iTunes, their success with Apple Music wouldn’t really be that much of a stretch, especially with industry veterans like Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre on board.

Now there are several Apple Music competitors at the moment, like Spotify, Rdio, Google Play Music, Tidal, and Pandora. While we’re not sure how Apple Music has impacted those companies, as far as Pandora is concerned, it seems that Apple Music might not have impacted them as much as they had thought.

During the company’s Q2 2015 financials, the company revealed that while growth of their users might not be as big as they had thought, the impact of Apple Music on their growth was “muted”.  “We expected some short‐term impact to our audience  growth as listeners tried this highly‐promoted new service. I am pleased to say that, given the scale of press and consumer attention on this launch, the impact on our active users and listening hours was muted.”

The company had also boasted a growth of 2% in monthly active users from last year, and total listening hours by 3%. However while this is a growth, they also note that this is 1 million fewer listeners since the previous quarter and the launch of Apple Music.

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