If you’ve been using social media for a while now, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on, chances are over the years you’ve followed more profiles, pages, brands, and so on that you might actually forget who you have followed. Now it looks like Twitter is testing out a new feature in which they will actually recommend users which accounts to unfollow.

This was spotted by TNW’s Matt Navarra who confirmed that this is a test that Twitter is conducting at the moment. Basically it appears that Twitter is now offering users suggestions on accounts that they “may not need to follow”. It is unclear as to how Twitter has created these suggestions, and if you thought that maybe this is a way to filter spam/bot accounts, it doesn’t seem that way.

In the screenshots above, you can see how the suggestions actually recommend verified user accounts to unfollow. Perhaps it could be based on the interests of the user, where if it detects that you have stopped interacting with that account for a while, that you might no longer be interested in that account’s tweets.

That being said this is just speculation for now and we can’t be sure of how Twitter decides these things. However as we have said, Twitter did state that this is just a test so there’s no guarantee that it will actually come true, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

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