The lack of 3G streaming on SlingPlayer for the iPhone was a painful affair to many users, and it probably was just confirmation to many that AT&T was having more than a little trouble handling the load of data brought upon it by the iPhone. But now that VoIP is not taboo on the iPhone anymore, AT&T seems to have given into SlingPlayer’s demands, and said that it has been testing an optimized version of the app on its 3G network since December. Sling states that the dynamic bandwidth adjustment would keep the app from slowing AT&T’s network down. This is certainly great news to iPhone users all around, and if you’re using the $30 version of the app, you’ll be entitled to a free upgrade, which should be available as soon as it gets the App Store seal of approval.
Filed in 3g, Apple Inc, AT&T, iPhone, Iphone 3g, iPhone 3GS and Slingplayer.
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