Looks like VIZIO succeeded where Google TV failed. In an official press release, the availability of Hulu Plus subscription and Blockbuster on demand have been announced for the VIZIO Internet Apps (VIA) platform. This means that consumers can download watch their favorite shows off Hulu Plus and movies from Blockbuster on their VIZIO TV sets. VIZIO looks like they’re set to dominate the TV scene, especially with a lot of big name apps coming out for the VIA platform. With the massive collection of TV shows from Hulu and all the latest and classic movies from Blockbuster, you pretty much never need to purchase cable or a DVD player again. With apps like Skype and Vimeo coming to the platform, and staples such as Facebook, Twitter, Wiki TV and Netflix, it eliminates the need for you to have a computer as well. It sure looks like the computer is slowly getting replaced – first by smartphones and tablets, and now TVs.
Filed in Apps, CES, CES 2011, Hulu, Hulu Plus, Smart Tv, Via and Vizio.
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