Don’t you just hate it when you’re out camping and you can’t seem to get a fire going to boil some water or cook your food? Wish there was an easier way that didn’t require you bring a portable stove around? Two Korean designers have come up with a solution to the problem – solar powered cooking stoves. Granted, they aren’t exactly a new invention, but they’ve managed to pull it off in a unique and elegant manner. Called the Hot Liner, these flexible solar panels are lined with a surface that can be heated up to cook your food or boil your water. The solar panels themselves can be bent into any shape you wish, making them useful for different sized bowls and pots. When you need to charge them, all you have to do is drape them around a tree to expose them to sunlight. Pretty ingenious, just make sure you don’t accidentally turn them on when you place them in your bag. The Hot Liners are still a concept design right now, so don’t expect them to be available soon, and if they go on sale you can be sure they won’t be cheap.
Filed in Camping, Concept, Cooking, Energy, Outdoor and Solar.
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