We covered the last Twitter for Mac update which was released towards the end of April. The update came for quite a while, in which Twitter released various updates for its mobile apps, but it looked like the microblogging network had forgotten about its Mac app. Twitter said late last month when it released the update that we should expect more improvements in Twitter for Mac soon. They’ve delivered on that promise, almost one month on, there’s now a new update of this app which brings Notification Center integration.
Don’t confuse Notification Center integration with the Twitter integration that is already present in OS X. The notifications are a completely different thing and it was a shame that they weren’t integrated with Notification Center earlier. Users now have the option of setting preferences for this new feature from straight within the app itself. Notification Center will now display notifications when someone @ mentions you in a tweet or if someone sends you a DM a.k.a direct message. Apart from the integration, there are a host of bug fixes, security and performance improvements. The updated Twitter for Mac can now be downloaded from Mac App Store.
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