If you’ve ever needed a rental vehicle for a day or two, Zipcar is certainly one of the better services as there’s very little hassle in getting your vehicle, but what if you need a small airplane but can’t afford to buy your own. Good news: there’s now a small aircraft rental service.
OpenAirplane launched this week at airports in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Jose, Kissimmee and Detroit which is looking to help to simplify the process of renting a small aircraft. Members will be required to take a standardized flight exam before they’re even considered to rent an airplane from one of the airports the service launched at. Once customers are certified, pilots can then visit OpenAirplane’s website or mobile app to reserve an airplane. When the customer is done reserving their plane, they’ll find the keys waiting for them with the airplane.
In total, there are six aircraft rental companies and flight schools that have joined OpenAirplane with over 50 other companies expected to join the service in the future.
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