Like we said, if you’ve been driving for many years, you might have tuned those sounds out. However, Jaguar Land Rover believes that these noises can actually contribute to driver stress, so much so that they have developed an in-car noise-cancellation system that they claim can reduce unwanted noise peaks by as much as 10dB, and overall noise levels by anywhere between 3-4dB.
How this system works is that sensors are placed on each wheel of the car, where it monitors things like vibrations from the road’s surface. Based on those vibrations, the system can then calculate the opposite phase sound wave needed to help remove those sounds, similar to how noise-cancelling headphones work.
According to Jaguar Land Rover’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr Steve Iley, “Active Road Noise Cancellation technology not only has the potential to improve road safety but also wellbeing and quality of life for our customers. In a post-coronavirus world, where a ‘new normal’ is emerging, we expect customer expectations of private transport to change. An extra focus will be placed on safe, clean mobility where personal space, wellbeing and hygiene carry a premium.”
Filed in Jaguar and Social Hit. Source: media.jaguarlandrover
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