You might still be drooling over Sony’s 11-inch OLED digital TV (Bravia XEL-1), but it seems that the folks over in Japan are already over it. Sony has confirmed that it stopped production of OLED TVs in Japan, and sales of OLED TVs will end when the existing inventory runs out. Fortunately for us, Sony plans to continue production for North America, Europe and other overseas markets. The fact that the only model available, the 11-inch XEL-1, is priced at 200,000 yen ($2,200) in Japan, was always going to give it a hard time competing against the larger, cheaper LCD and plasma sets. While there wasn’t any official sales figure of the OLED TV sets mentioned by Sony, we do know that it had a monthly production capacity of 2000 units. If you’re living overseas, are you planning to grab one of these TVs, or do you think the folks over in Japan got it right?
Filed in Bravia, Japan, Lcd, Lcd Tv, Oled, Oled Tv, Plasma and Sony.
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