Google had quite the 2012 on iOS as it released its dedicated Google Maps and YouTube applications onto a competing operating system, and were downloaded a ton of times by grateful iOS users. But would you believe five of their applications were ranked in a top ten list for the most-used applications on iOS? Of course you would.
Even though Apple tried to rid itself of Google-related products from iOS, it looks as though their customers absolutely love Google products. A new report from comScore shows just how much as within the top ten list or applications most used in 2012, Google Maps, Google Play, Google Search, Gmail and YouTube were ranked second to sixth place, with the top spot going to Facebook. Pandora Radio, iTunes, Cooliris and Yahoo! Messenger rounded out the top 10.
2012’s most-used applications list speaks volumes to just how popular Google-related products are, even on a competing mobile operating system. We know Apple wants to break itself away from being dependent on Google products, but after the embarrassing fiasco that occurred with Apple Maps, we’re sure Apple knows just how much it needs Google products on iOS.
Filed in Apps, GMail, Google, Google Maps, Google Play, Google Search, iOS and YouTube.
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