3D printed items have become increasingly popular over the past couple of months as we recently have seen 3D printed guns, gummy versions of yourself and even a 3D printed skull implant. Today’s 3D printed item not only could be considered ridiculously cool for a large number of gamers, but it also doubles as a source of light, making it a complete necessity in your home.
A 3D printed version of Portal’s GlaDOS as a lamp was created by instructables user Dragonator. The 3D printing includes all of the wiring that will allow for the lamp to move around like GlaDOS would, although its kinks are still being worked out and instructions are available if you’d like to just have this as a lamp.
Unfortunately, in building this GlaDOS lamp, we’re pretty sure you’ll have many a sleepless night as you keep one eye open just in case it decides to abduct you to complete some tests for science. Hopefully you happen to have a 3D printed Portal Gun lying around, or else those tests could be a tad on the difficult side.
Filed in 3D Printing, Lamp and Portal.
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