Today, email is still the killer app, although no one now think about talking about it on panels as they often do for social media. With the multiplication of cyber attacks on large corporations such as Sony, LinkedIn, Dropox or more recently, on the federal Government, people are more concerned by privacy and security than ever.
However, it looks like very few users realize that their emails are tracked, and information such as your browsing and forwarding history, your device configuration, your location and IP address and email clientthey are using is revealed to the senders.
“ We estimate that 55% of all emails are tracked. 200 billion emails are being sent on a daily basis ” said Florian Seroussi, Co-Founder of One More Company Inc operating Trackbuster.
One More Company Inc have a great solution to address this issue, and according to the company, there no other application as efficient as Trackbuster. The closest competitors are PixelBlock and Uglymail but they are only Chrome Plugin.
Trackbuster launched today in private for Gmail and Google apps, where half million companies host their professional email client. I got a very compelling demo of the service on my Gmail account, a few minutes after I clicked on the link (on the development server), a majority of my latest emails in my Google inbox started to display the little icon “untracked”. Basically, Trackbuster disable the tracking code on all your tracked emails and show you which ones are using a tracker. Being able to see this makes the issue so visible that it is quite scary to realize that so many of the messages were monitored, even if you know it. On the security page of the Trackbuster website, the company states : “We do not store the content of your emails. We only analyze automatically the content of your emails to decide whether to untrack it. We never look at the content of your emails”.
Trackbuster is available in private beta for free for Gmail and Google apps, it will roll-out later for Office 360, Yahoo, AOL and other services. In the coming weeks, premium services with advanced protection and control will be released.
One More Company Inc was created in 2015 and the patent-pending software has been in development for a few months. The company is auto-financed and the development team is based in the USA.
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