Articles about driving

AI-Powered Secret Cameras Catch Drivers Using Mobile Phones
Long Island Authorities Intend To Discourage Texting And Driving Further
School Bus Driver Caught Texting While Driving
National Transportation Safety Board wants to ban usage of cell phones in cars
TeleNav Auto 2.0 introduces a new level of in-vehicle connectivity
Ford Lane Keeping System detects drowsy drivers
BlackBerry service interruption made roads safer
Takata Corporation and TruTouch Technologies to keep drunks off the roads
MicroVision and mystery automaker to use advanced windshield display technology
Freescale 77GHz radar system makes it safer to drive in difficult conditions
Apple asked to remove police-evasion apps from App Store
20% of Americans use the internet on their phones while driving
VRS-P1 Racing simulator equipment resembles a coffin
Route 66 Maps + Navigation makes use of Augmented Reality
Drive your car with your brain
T-Mobile attempts to prevent road accidents
Denso Passenger Eye prevents tired drivers from crashing
Anti-Sleep Pilot Will Try to Keep You Awake on Your Drive
Four Vans Successfully Navigate From Italy To China Without Drivers Or Maps
Eyetracker might prevent future accidents by sleepy drivers